(Photo credit: Erik Meadows Photography, 2024)
Farmers Jam makes all natural, super delicious products that benefit family farms. They source fruit from farms in Georgia, Carolina, and Florida. When they can't find locally sourced fruit, they buy from organic or regenerative farms. Every sale helps their annual fruit tree fund. Farmers Jam has planted over 1,800 fruit trees and bushes on family farms since 2018. In 2024, their Strawberry Lemon Cocktail Syrup won the 2024 Good Food Award. “These exceptional producers have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to not only creating extraordinary flavors but also to sustainable practices, supporting their communities, and fostering transparency throughout their supply chains. This year's Finalists are true leaders in the good food movement.” said Sarah Weiner, Executive Director of the Good Food Foundation.”
I design their labels and packaging, sales sheets and presentations, and advertising.
Wild Foraged Labels
Farmers Jam has moved from jams to cocktail syrups made with locally sourced ingredients. In 2023 James began a new series he calls “Wild Foraged”, in collaboration with nonprofit partner Concrete Jungle and local restaurant the Deer and the Dove. I got full creative control of the design (yesss) and you can see the labels below. The Atlanta Journal Constitution featured the collaboration and the syrups in this July article: “Atlanta cocktail collaboration shines light on local food insecurity”.
Photo credit: the AJC
Brand identity
updating branding for the jam
Farmers Jam is an Atlanta-based collective that weaves together live music, delicious locally-grown products, and support of organic farmers. Within the Farmers Jam umbrella, there’s a podcast, a newsletter, live music events that also sell jam, with the proceeds going to purchase fruit trees to be given to local sustainable farmers. According to Farmers Jam, they gave 174 fruit trees and bushes to Georgia farmers in 2022 alone.
James asked me to help solidify Farmers Jam branding, turning inconsistency of the past into easy-to-follow rules and templates for future use. Fonts and colors were most important. Inspired by our new set of colors and the original logo, I drew a set of fruit clip art for future use. Scroll to see more of my work within the Farmers Jam world!
Farmers Jam is so much more than facilitating trees-to-jam-to-dollars-for-farmers; it’s also a media company, facilitating discussions and offering news on sustainable agriculture. Farmers Jam Radio needed consistency in its branding, living within the Farmers Jam brand kit but also with its own distinct flavor. We went with a eye-catching script and a pink background color that’s a desaturation of the FJ red.
putting the branding to good use
Using the updated branding, I designed new event graphics, a handout card for James to hand out at in-person events, labels for his new cocktail syrup, and a template for presenting news stories from other sources on social media.